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Stress Test

This page explains how to customize the Stress Test for the application or microservice that will be excecuted in the Staging environment.
This Job uses Apache jMeter tool to check the response of your application service.


Stress Test: It's a type of software testing that evaluates the robustness and stability of a system, application, or component under extreme conditions beyond normal operational limits. It involves applying a significant load or stress to the system to assess its performance, reliability, and scalability. Stress testing helps identify potential weaknesses or bottlenecks in the system that may lead to failures or degraded performance under heavy loads. The goal is to ensure that the system can handle high levels of activity without crashing or experiencing unacceptable performance degradation.

1. In the main branch you will edit the YAML file named .github/workflows/github-ci.yaml

2. In the github-ci.yaml file search for the Features section, you will find it like this:

## Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

3. Bellow the section title, add the following configuration and change the values as you need:

    # Stress Check
stress_check_enabled: 'true'
stress_check_blocker: 'false'

# Stress Check | Customization
# Specify the maximum percentage of errors that are allowed before the task is stopped
stress_check_error_rate_max: '15'
# Specify the number of threads (that simulates a number of users)
stress_check_thread: '19'
# Specify the amount of time that it takes to start all of the threads
stress_check_upPeriod: '10'
# Specify how long the task should last
stress_check_second: '60'

4. Commit and enjoy! ✨