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This page explains how to enable the possibility to display and visualize metrics related to DevOps and developers.
By default, the metrics will be displayed at a mid level, but it can be set to:
full: That includes metrics of a general aspect, types of files, users, commits and pull requests.
mid: That includes metrics of a general aspect, users, commits and pull requests.

1. In the main branch you will edit the YAML file named .github/workflows/github-ci.yaml

2. In the github-ci.yaml file search for the Features section, you will find it like this:

## Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

3. Bellow the section title, add the following configuration and change the values as you need:

    # Repository Metrics
repository_metrics_enabled: 'true'

# Repository Metrics | Customizations
# Specify depth of metrics job (full/mid)
# full: Overall & Users & FilesType & CommitsInTime & CommitsLinesInTime & PRInTime
# mid: Overall & Users & CommitsInTime & PRInTime
repository_metrics_depth: 'full'

4. Commit and enjoy! ✨