📄️ Environment Variables
In Kubernetes or OpenShift, your can set the Environment Variables (env section of the deployment).
📄️ Revisions and Scaling
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can configure the values of the following resources: Revisions and Scaling (revisionHistoryLimit and replicas of the deployment objects).
📄️ Expose
In Kubernetes or Openshift you can set the Exposing parameters of your application or microservice (ingress and route objects).
📄️ HealthChecks
In Kubernetes or OpenShift, your can add additional configurations to the HealthChecks modifying the values of the readiness and liveness probes.
📄️ Configuration Map
In Kubernetes or OpenShift, your can add additional configurations to the following resource: configMap.
📄️ Vertical Pod Autoscaling
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can set Vertical Pod Autoscaling for your application or microservice (vpa object).
📄️ Role Based Access Control
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can set Role Based Access Control for your application or microservice (rbac policies and role objects).
📄️ Persistence
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can set Persistence for your application or microservice (pvc and pv objects).
📄️ Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can set the Horizontal Autoscaling for your application or microservice (hpa object).
📄️ Network Policy
In Kubernetes or OpenShift you can set Network Policies for your application or microservice (networkPolicy object).
📄️ Pod Disruption Budget
In Kubernetes or Openshift you can set the Pod Disruption Budget for your application or microservice (podDisruptionBudget object).
📄️ Sidecar Container
In Kubernetes or OpenShift, you can set Sidecar Container for your application or microservice.
📄️ Additionals
In Kubernetes or OpenShift, your can add additional configurations to the following resources: nodeSelector, tolerations, affinity, securityContext and containerSecurityContext