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As you know, once you have activated the metrics feature you will be able to see the following panels:


In this section you will be able to visualize from your repository: the total count of projects, the total count of the commits that didn't end on a pull request, the total number of files, the count of the unique authors that have collaborated and the last commit that was made.


In this section you will be able to visualize the percentage of each single author's collaboration, the amount of commits per user and the action they took in the commit (Modified a file, added something or delete something), the type of contribution the user made based on the type of file that was modified (UI, configuration, code) and the amount of commits and pull request per user per month.




In this section you will be able to visualize the total count of projects, the total count of applications, the total count of developers that are working on your repositories, the total amount of pipeline executions and the total amount of builds that were made.


In this section you will be able to visualize the number of deployments that were successful per environment, the amount of builds that were omitted to save time (because there was no need to re-build the image), the amount of SCA analysis that revealed vulnerabilities, the amount of steps that included Database Versioning, the amount of the builds that were successful, the amount of code quality checks performed and the amount of stress test that were performed.


In this section you will be able to visualize the applications that exists per project by their names, the amount of users per project, the user hash for each one and you will also find a top list of the languages that you use the most on your applications.


In the last section available you will find all the jobs that are executed by ShamanOps measured in time so you can know how long each one takes.


And some more dashboards are comming to improve your ShamanOps adventure! ✨