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Bitbucket Pipelines

As you may have heard before, in order for ShamanOps to work properly, you must add some configuration and secrets to your CI platform. Here we will explain how to get your Bitbucket platform ready for use.

1. Create a new repository

First of all you will need to create a new repository called shamanops in your already existing workspace.

2. Workspace variables

Add the following Workspace variables, those who have a 🔒 needs to be secured.

shamanops-customer-id *
This value will be sent by the ShamanOps team after registration.
Example: 2

shamanops-argocd-dev-url *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-dev-user *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.
Example: user

shamanops-argocd-stg-url *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-stg-user *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.
Example: user

shamanops-argocd-prod-url *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-prod-user *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.
Example: user

shamanops-argocd-drp-url *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-drp-user *
You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.
Example: user

shamanops-code-quality-url *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to SonarQube endpoint URL.

shamanops-manifest-repository *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to the URL of manifest repository in GIT platform.

shamanops-manifest-repository-user *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to the username to access the manifest repository in GIT platform.
Example: user

shamanops-registry-url *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to the container registry specific URL.

shamanops-registry-user *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to the username to access the container registry.
Example: user

shamanops-chat-webhook *
This value is provided by the customer and refers to the webhook of the chat platforms channel.

shamanops-customer-token *
🔒 This value will be sent by the ShamanOps team after registration.

shamanops-argocd-dev-token *
🔒 You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-stg-token *
🔒 You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-prod-token *
🔒 You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-argocd-drp-token *
🔒 You will get this data after the ShamanOps was successfully installed.

shamanops-code-quality-token *
🔒 This value is provided by the customer and refers to SonarQube Access Token.

shamanops-manifest-repository-token *
🔒 This value is provided by the customer and refers to the PAT to access the manifest repository in GIT platform.

shamanops-registry-password *
🔒 This value is provided by the customer and refers to the token to access the container registry.

shamanops-dockerfile-token *
🔒 This value refers to a token that can be used at build time, it was thought to connect artifact repositories like Nugets. This must be defined even if it is not used, containing some sort of value.
Example: 16958094567e3

3. Base pipeline

In the shamanops repository add a file named bitbucket-pipelines.yml with the following content:

################################# Bitbucket Pipelines | Base pipeline #####################################
- step:
name: ShamanOps-base-pipeline-download
- >-
curl -sSL -o bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- git add bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- git commit -m "ShamanOps - Add bitbucket base pipeline to shamanops project"
- git push